Love is one of the subtlest blessings of the Most Merciful One bestowed upon mankind. As a seed, it exists in everyone. This seed germinates under favorable circumstances and, growing like a tree, blossoms into a flower, and finally ripens, like a fruit, to unite the beginning with the end
Love penetrates, as a feeling, into man's inner being through the inlets of his eyes, ears and heart. Then, it swells like the water behind a dam, or grows like an avalanche, or engulfs all his being like a flame. When it results in union, it starts to subside. The flame goes out. The reservoir empties and the avalanche melts away
hope or expectation
Love is a natural and essential aspect of a man's being. When it is, however, transformed into 'true love' - love of the Creator - it acquires its true nature and color, and later becomes 'pure' pleasure at the threshold of union
sadness and sorrow
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The lover is intoxicated with his love, admiration and appreciation of his beloved; only by the Doomsday Trumpet will he come to his senses.
It is only true love which will stop the pains caused by being ephemeral, and put out the 'flames' in which the afflicted 'burn'. It is also true love which will provide a remedy for all apparently incurable pains and diseases, and for the cries of the modern world.
It is impossible to express love with words, for it is an emotional state, which can be understood only by the lover.